By Troy James Weaver
Layout and Cover Design
Praise for
Disorder Press
March 2018
"Troy James Weaver is so good he shouldn't need any blurbs. Troy James Weaver is one monster of a writer. Troy James Weaver is our Witold Gombrowicz. Troy James Weaver works in a flower shop. Troy James Weaver is the first great writer who worked in a flower shop."
- Scott McClanahan, author of The Sarah Book
"TJW can write an irrational divorced drunken noise rock making bathrobe clad dad like a motherfucker. And if that isn't enough to make you buy Temporal right now than there's little hope left for any of us."
- Steve Anwyll, author of Welfare
"Troy James Weaver guides us through a charred, hellish landscape full of dead people and clouds and broken brains. We should salute him for this intense and mysterious novel of devastation. For fans of Denis Johnson, My Bloody Valentine, and NyQuil."
- Patty Yumi Cottrell, author of Sorry To Disrupt The Peace
"Troy James Weaver is incredible. Temporal is his best work."
- Bud Smith, author of Work
“Temporal is a novel painted with the blood of damaged, disaffected teenagers. Imagine S.E. Hinton if she listened to Sonic Youth. With each new book Troy James Weaver writes, he's creating more of an impressive landscape of American gloom and melancholy. But he’s also able to highlight an elusive beauty in the life struggles of his characters.”
- Kevin Sampsell, author of This Is Between us
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